Thursday, February 13, 2014

Into the Hole: Episode 3 - Triggers & Intel

Hello explorers and adventurers!

This is my 3rd video blog entry and I am very excited to say that everything is going very well and I am having a blast doing this wormhole adventure series!
So, let's get to the point of me telling what's up for today. Well, at first I should point out that it is very important to know and pay attention when doing wormhole sites to sleepers-triggers as a mistake might cost you your ship if you are not carefull enough.
Secondly, it's not easy to remmember all those signature id's, names and so on right? Yeah,I can't remmember anything I did in EVE after a hard day. And due to signature id reseting after downtime it might confuse me all the time. So, I searched google and found a few 3rd party tools to help me out with this. I loved one tool called Tripwire and I will show you guys how it works in my video and I would really recommend using it!

Also,I was thinking was it a good choice to stay in a c3 with a 0.0 static? Well, I came to a conclusion that yes it was. Simply becouse my main goal right now is not to have PVP nor to hunt people, but too have fun and explore space. So connection with 0.0 can give me additional possibilities to find new locations after my wormhole has been cleared, to go explore nearby systems in 0.0 space. So It was a very good choice I think.

Also, since I got a exit to high security space, I was able to drop off my loot and re-stock some ammo for my further adventures. I shalll try training some PI skills just to see would it be possible to do PI in a wormhole and what would I get from it. Maybe it'sworth a try? We shall see.

Also, I have actually changed my BLOG theme! It has been unchanged when I started it and I though that it needed some changes. ;-)

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