Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ballz out! Thorax engagement 1

I am very glad that i finished my medium blaster training and now i'm able to use a Thorax!

Thorax is one step closer to Deimos, which I'll be flying solo in the upcoming 3-4 months.
Now,what i actually did with my thorax was that I didn't use standart fit (electrons,web,scram,1600mm plate etc). But i made it x2 MAR. That's because of 2 reasons:

1) I do not use slave set yet
2) x2 MAR Thorax might work better when I am facing more than 1 hostile.
3) It's a good practice before using Deimos

So, my first encounter was a little too ballsy. I engaged a condor,coercor,thrasher,slicer and a jaguar on Nenn  gate in Akidagi.
The idea was to simply kill coercer, then thrasher and then just jump out if no one will be in range.
So when i first jumped to aki fron nenn, i saw that they were already waiting for me. Not reinforcement. Just me vs squids.

 noticed that Coercer was behind the gate, so i primaried thrasher. Soon after releasing my drones on him and srcrambing i noticed that only he was aggro-ed. So to be honest i was a little disappointed, because i really wanted a good fight out of this. Didnt even need to use my MAR, just simply brawled that thrasher to the death when watching his friends warping away.

So much for squid friendship,eh.

Kill  , how that jammer got there i can't tell.