Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My first days in Czech

My dear readers,

it is my 3rd day in Czech Republic. Now i am officially a Brno University of Technology student. All things are going well, still a lot of to learn. My studies will begin on 17th of September and till that time i will enroll in Czech Language courses in order to learn some Czech. Still dont have a roommate. But i asked at the accommodation office about him and they said that he's from Turkey. Oh shit. That is not very good. I mean if we will be religious one - its ok, but if not and he is all like - oh lets go to party, lets invite a dozen friends (who are also from TUrkey ffs) in our room and have a frikin fiesta here... Jeeez... Its either he will be killed or he will be religious. And tidy. And quite. And a nerd like me.

Btw, i noticed that female in Czech are charming. Of course females in Lithuania are just stunning - no one can argue about it so shut up!

Yesterday i noticed that i have left my harmonica in Lithuania. DoH!!!

Now today morning was an active one. Not in RL i mean. I just woke up 9:30 am, made tea, grabbed a couple of sandwiches and eat, but in EVE it was active. I just jumped into my Vexor, and went to find some adventures. Now i did find them.

I warped in Nis and went kedama. Found a friendly cane fighting a drake. Hurricane mate was thankful
P.s My drones almost got wiped out...

I ,mostly played with this gang consisting of a couple of thrashers and frigs. Was 2 thrashers,incursus,ppunisher,malediction and rifter. I managed to actually fool em by jumping throu gate when  having malediction agroed and then jumped back when others agroed. So with this tactic i killed this baby.
Later i engaged that gang with balls out. I had x2 medium neuts so incursus and punisher was just ignored and i worked on thrashers. One of em jumped and other DIED, then Punisher and rifter.
Battlereport here.

oh and my morning kills are:
Drake,x2 thrashers,kestrel,malediction,punisher,rifter and slasher.

So thats it for today i quess.